Saturday, 12 September 2020

From My Eyes Only

This post is totally dedicated to my first fiction book which I have successfully finished and published over Kindle. Writing has always been one of my hobbies and I remember scripting plays and writing short stories when I was young. They still remain as a personal collection of mine, yet, to publish a book solely authored by me is like a dream come true. Yes, I am totally new to this field, so I do not expect any miracle to happen with it. Yet, the aim is to start, because many ideas do cross but mostly we keep waiting for them to take a concrete step or we keep waiting for those times when we can actually dedicate time and energy to that what we like. Here, let me tell you that those times rarely come. So, if you really dream of doing something, the least that you can do is to start. Even if it be a small beginning. Everybody is a beginner once and people excel with time and practice, yet, important is to keep trying and keep learning. The right moment is now, and the best strategy is to keep going on with it. Even if it is a few minutes, but, just keep moving in that direction. However slow, a move means someday it will certainly happen.

So, this is about the journey. But, here, I am to speak about the book, a little introduction to it. The book also proceeds in the same manner, slow with small turns, and really turn very interesting. hopefully, if you enjoy fiction, towards the fifth and sixth chapters. The book presents an idea of reincarnation, though it is not supporting any religious idea. Yet, many things, many ideas have remained vague and those who think to keep searching for such ideas and the truth behind them. However, the more you search, you learn that the less you know. So, whether reincarnation is true or false is left up to your own belief. And the journey that the soul makes across lives is really a question to wonder about.

If you are a person who enjoys thrill and suspense this book is for you. 

I hope you enjoy your reading, don't forget to place your reviews.