Monday 13 July 2020

The dialogues in the rain

She stood there without realising the time
And so also did he
The moment was in flow
The dialogues were in songs and rhyme
Time was stuck as one could see
The rain drops fell and the wind blew
Wetting them but all they knew
Was this was their most beautiful view
When white appeared so graceful in the shining moonlight
And both waited until the other vanished from the sight
Drenched all wet they stood still
For none wanted to leave
It became the last of their will
God had given all that he had to give
The conversations were in silence but not in vain
Those beautiful dialogues had happened in the rain

Saturday 11 July 2020

COVID19 Stories #3

Today, despite of all the unpleasant experiences that COVID-19 has caused, there is one thing that I really feel grateful about - I am not graduating in 2020. Yes, I really feel great about this one fact. Yes, it was long back that I had graduated and yes, still, I am a student. But, one thing that I am really, really thankful is that I am not graduating in 2020. And there are obvious reasons for it. First, I got a real graduation ceremony, where I received the certificate in reality, in reality, because it was not the virtual reality, but, a deep deep real reality. Secondly, because I got to write my exams and prove my worth. Yes, the system of examination was really questionable then. With no autonomy the exams were inconsistent, sometimes they'd be declared just a week prior to the exam, creating a panic situation, while at other times, the exams would be postponed indefinitely (perhaps more definite from the current times, because it was certain that in a span of 3 months, it will happen for sure). And yes, there were instances when the new semester will reach half way with no knowledge about the results of last semester. Yes, there were a lot of inconsistencies then. Instances from paper settings, to buying degrees and improper checking which I acknowledge, just with a certainty that such practices will exist for longer and creep in many other so called newly established systems as well. These are perhaps the inconsistencies of the education system itself, for we cannot walk back to the times of Socrates, those thoughts of learning have disappeared from long. The system of education is a becoming a business now. Anyways, that is not the point of discussion here.
The point is though I belong to those times, I feel grateful. Whatever were the inconsistencies and the rotting system that continues. At least we were clear with what is happening. The way the exams are to take place now? Oh, I mean are they to take place? Because a few days back, they were not to. Then comes a new guideline that exams for final years should take place. The way these decisions are inconsistent makes me feel happy about those inconsistencies and inconveniences that I had faced as quite small in magnitude. The way these decisions are changing day and night are creating havoc in the lives of some really good students who are hopeful about their future. I wish the different ministries also realise the anxiety of the students of the graduating batch. Whether they have to prepare for entrance? Or their exams which will or will not happen? The kind of chaos that is reflected in the system makes me reach only to one conclusion - 'Learning is never waste' So, if you are also in the same group of graduating students of 2020, my advice is prioritize it according to your own decisions. Be prepared for the exam, so if it happens, you get to excel, and if it does not takes place, you still know. Now it is the time to materialize - 'Chase Excellence, Success will then Definitely follow back' (3 idiots) Another one... It is a free advice, you may accept or reject. 🙂🙃😜
Have a happy life!!!