Thursday, 25 June 2020

Random Stories - COVID19 Pandemic

Again as I travelled, I recalled the news reporting of community transmission of the COVID19 pandemic. I saw, some people on the streets, perhaps they were the labours who had returned back, or maybe some poor people. Definitely, they were daily wage earners. They drank water from a can which was accompanied by two mugs. Don't know from where the water was filled? Was it even filtered? I wonder. Then, was it their thirst which was vital or the purity of water which made sense? My focus shifted to the three boys who were drinking tea at the same stall. No mask, no gloves, no safety. Is their life not worth? Or are they making their today worth? Survival for today, risking the survival for tomorrow? Or just thinking that tomorrow will come only if we survive today. They had no frowns on their forehead, as if they were ignorant of COVID19 transmission. Now who is helping them? That became the next question. With the bare clothes on their body, did they had a chance to tie something as a mask? Another girl, passes from the street, again no safety measures at all. Maybe she was a beggar. So would she beg for one time meal, limiting to her today? Or beg for mask, thinking of some future? Are their lives that trivial? If so much of relief work is going on, as claimed, why the evidences are contrasting? If we have the right leaders who care, then why does it appears like who cares? Yes, the India of the Rich and Powerful Vs Poor and Powerless was very much visible, one more time... Today!

Monday, 22 June 2020

Make the best of every opportunity: Learning from the exams in Covid19 pandemic (Case of M.P.)

The new decision of the Madhya Pradesh Government seems to be in the favor of the health of the students, promotion on the basis of past performance. So of you have performed good in the earlier semesters/ years, and considered every opportunity to be equally important then definitely your result is going to be good enough, but, if your plans were to work in the final year or semester, you probably are in a difficult situation. Moreover, it turns to be an extremely happy situation for those who did not prepare at all for their exams, who were missing the classes, missing the coaching and wondering what the life will be once they pass from the college. So, now the suspense ends to some extent, at least in terms of exams. No exams for any of the years / semesters and promotions would be given on the basis of past performances. Yeah, a little disappointing for those sincere students who really were studying hard for their exams considering this lock down to be an opportunity to prepare really well. A little disappointing for those who kept preparing for conduction of exams again and again, maybe rework is what they had to do, maybe they enjoyed doing it, and if not, definitely they will enjoy it now. Utmost chaos of exams taking place or not taking place and when and how and where and why were really some of the most disturbing questions creating an atmosphere of anxiety among students. And I do consider this decision to be in the favor of the students, one, because they can now feel safe, two, because their anxiety is relieved to some extent (to some extent, because, you never know what may happen tomorrow, this also being a reason for me to write today itself, before the decision changes again and I get no chance to express), and, three, the most important reason, because majority of the student community, I guess would have been avoiding reading and preparation. It would only be a handful of those intelligent guys and girls who would have been really working on in this lockdown, and I am really sorry for their l